About Ivan Sisco and Elaina Ward

Have you ever thought, there’s got to be something more for me?

You know the idea of finding your purpose, creating the financial success, the dream schedule, and the time freedom to do what you want when you want!

If you are like us finding our purpose wasn’t easy, we just wanted to have control over our time and help others live better lives.

Both Elaina & I were career professionals and actually enjoyed what we did. I was a school teacher and Elaina worked with the Federal Government in Corrections.  What we didn’t like was waking up to an alarm clock, the employee politics, working with negative people, and the limited time we had to do what they truly wanted.

“We had a burning desire to change the outcome of the remainder of our adult life. We wanted to find our purpose, help other people, spend both quantity and quality time with our children, travel the world, not be bound by our weekly pay check, AND we wanted to work with people we cared about.”

We decided we were going to figure out a way to get our lives back, no matter what it took!

Of course we didn’t have all the answers or know who or how it was going to turn out, we just new, we would find a way. It drove us nuts waking up each morning to someone else’s schedule and going to work for someone else’s dream; There were times being stuck at work for 16 hour days. This was not the way we wanted to spend the rest of our lives.

The Power Of Part Time!

There are so many incredible benefits to this profession and working online from home.

For starters you get to start spare-time/part-time, which means NO RISK. You keep your full-time job or other business, while carving out a few hours a week to work on your part-time biz.

Jim Rohn called this working full-time at your Job and part-time on your FORTUNE. Those words changed our lives!

We started to think differently about being an employee versus an entrepreneur.

All of those years of formal education taught us how to go and get good jobs. What was missing was how to create a life!

We learned formal education will make you a living, while self-education will make you a Fortune.

Ivan and Elaina - Who Are We

From that point on we got serious about self-education, personal growth and the power of part-time.

When we started comparing what building an online business could provide vs what our jobs provided we got super excited about the possibilities.

The benefits were amazing!

  • Work Part-Time

  • Unlimited Income

  • Travel Incentives

  • Car Bonus

  • Tax Breaks

  • Personal Growth

  • Simple Systems to Follow

  • Unlimited Support

  • Work With People We Love

  • Helping Others

  • And Much More…

We really started to look at that list, realizing our Job could not provide what we truly wanted.

Once we knew other people were having success, from all different backgrounds without any experience we then knew it could happen for us too.  We simply had to do what they were doing.

Can you say Five Year Plan?

We loved the idea of a 5 year plan versus 40 year plan, and new it was going to take some work and sacrifices.

We remember like yesterday getting our first checks, it was REAL EXCITING.  But what really got us super fired up was when we would receive weekly checks based on other people’s efforts, people we introduced to the product or business and helped them.

They were getting paid, so they were FIRED UP, and we were getting paid a healthy percentage on their effort.

Once you experience leverage you realize the sky is the limit.

Over time, we got to experience the power or residual income, doing the work once and getting paid over and over for the work you did one time, months and years ago. Hello, can you say I GOT MY TIME BACK!! We are talking multiple-six figure residual incomes.

Now think about it, what would an extra $500 every single month do for you and your family? Could you pay off some debt, get rid of a car note, set up a college fund for your kids, travel more, etc, it’s really endless. Or how about an extra $1000 per month or $2000 per month or $5000 per month, or even $10,000 per month or more. It all comes down to your goals and dreams.

This amazing profession has allowed us to live what we call a dream. We are both stay at home parents, we travel the world, we have our time to use as we wish… Really what more could we really want?

Well, actually there is more, we want to help more people like you accomplish your Goals & Dreams, one step at a time.

Doesn’t a five year plan excite you more than a forty year plan.

Trust me, we get it. What if it doesn’t work, what if I have never done anything like this before, what if, what if, what if. That’s the programming we are taught.

Let’s change that program to What if it does work? What if I can achieve my Goals?

It’s simply a mind-shift and we have the tools, resources and experience to help you.

Today We Build Our Business Completely Online!

A healthy mix of online and offline marketing has afforded us a wonderful lifestyle.

As Leaders in this profession we believe it’s our job to embrace change.

It’s a new world with technology and Social Media being one of our biggest Networking Assets!

We have so much Gratitude for our life!

Work from Anywhere with Ivan Sisco and Elaina Ward

If we take a hard look about how we got here it comes down to a DECISION.

What do you want for your life? A 5 year plan or a 40 year plan?

This last few years has shown us, Freedom is not free, and we need to make important decisions for our families.

We still work hard, about 5 hours a day, but we love what we do. We are driven to give value, creating the next success stories with people like YOU.

Our faith, kids, family, friends & partners have become our #1 priority and they take up the remainder of our time. It’s our happy place.

Our proudest accomplishment is being stay-at-home parents.

Replacing our JOB incomes, where we traded our time for dollars for a residual income pay-check that grows bigger each month is pretty cool, but we can’t put a price tag on the value of spending both quantity and quality time with our children and with each other. It’s literally invaluable.

Will YOU be the next success story we celebrate? We hope so.

Thank You for stopping by our page as its a privilege to connect with you.

If we can be of service to your life and or your business please reach out.

Ivan & Elaina.

PS. Yes, it took time to bring our business to what it is today. And yes, we had to make a lot of sacrifices and face challenges along the way. But it was all WORTH it! Every challenge has made us stronger and better people.


Contact Ivan Sisco

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Contact Elaina Ward-Sisco

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