Really, when is that last time you took someone to lunch? Better yet, when was the last time you took someone to lunch you looked up too. Over the last year I’ve been taking Dr. Laurel Buckingham to lunch, which has turned into a great friendship and for me an incredible learning experience. Dr. Buckingham is 78 years Young and I am sure he gets more accomplished in the morning before 10am, than I accomplish in an entire day. His life-long experiences and accomplishments are truly legacy.

Every time we get together I simply feel better, ready to make a bigger impact. I know, I know you’ve heard it before, “show me the 5 people you spend the most time with and we can pretty much tell you who you are”. Our associations are very important. Charlie Tremendous Jones often would say “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read”.

So, I had an idea. I want YOU to be able to have the same experience with Mr. Buckingham. With a little persuasion, for the first time EVER we are pleased to announce Dr. Buckingham will be sharing his Experiences and Lessons from 50 years of Leadership Excellence on Jan 5th, 2018 in Shediac New Brunswick.

I’ve had a chance to spend some time learning from the Jim Rohn’s, John Maxwells, Steven Covey’s, Tony Robbins, of the world, and I can tell you this event will have an aspect of Leadership Training that I can almost guarantee you’ve NEVER heard before, which will help you reach your full potential.

This event will for sure SELL OUT QUICKLY!!  All proceeds will go to a non-profit that focuses on building Leaders in our region.

Who will be attending? Leaders & Aspiring Leaders alike, whether it be in the Non-Profit sector, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Corporate Execs, Coaches, Teachers, difference makers just to name a few. In other words if you believe in continuous learning you will want to be in attendance. To get the most value, We encourage you bring your key leaders and teams with you.

Grab your friends & Get your Early Bird tickets today

Your Friend,